Irontech Customization Explain

Robotic Features

Electric Hip & Waist

Her hip and waist will move.

1. The "Electric Hip & Waist" option is available for all the TPE dolls that are above 140cm.

2. The "Electric Hip & Waist" option is also available for Silicone dolls with the 158cm Pregnant, 160cm, 164cm, and 168cm bodies.

3. Electric Hip and Waist is not compatible with Auto Blowjob.

4. You can either select Electric Hip & Waist + Auto Sucking Vagina or Auto Blowjob + Auto Sucking Vagina.

5. The charging port of the "Electric Hip & Waist" or "Auto Blowjob" will be located on the armpit.

Blowjob Movement

Her neck will move back and forth.

1. The "Auto Blowjob" option is available for TPE dolls with the 156cm, 158cm, 159cm, 161cm, 163cm, 163cm Plus, 164cm, 164cm Plus, 165cm, 167cm, 168cm, 170cm, 175cm bodies.

2. The "Auto Blowjob" option is also available for Silicone dolls with the 158cm Pregnant, 159cm, 160cm, 163cm, 164cm, 167cm, 168cm, 169cm, 170cm, and 172cm bodies.

3. Electric Hip and Waist is not compatible with Auto Blowjob.

4. You can either select Electric Hip & Waist + Auto Sucking Vagina or Auto Blowjob + Auto Sucking Vagina.

5. The charging port of the "Electric Hip & Waist" or "Auto Blowjob" will be located on the armpit.

Auto Sucking Vagina

Her vagina will clamp and suck your penis.

1. You can either select Electric Hip & Waist + Auto Sucking Vagina or Auto Blowjob + Auto Sucking Vagina.

2. The charging port of the Auto Sucking Vagina will be located on the armpit. The device weighs about 1lb.

3. You don't have to worry about getting liquid/lube inside the doll.

4. The cleaning has no difference from a normal vagina. You just have to clean it with a vagina irrigator regularly, especially after you applied lubes.

5. Available for all TPE bodies.

6. Available for all silicone bodies. For the 148cm body, the anal will be sealed.

7. The Auto Sucking Vagina for the silicone dolls will not contain either a Vibration or Heating function.

Auto Blowjob

Her mouth will clamp and suck your penis.

1. Only available for ROS heads (heads that are upgraded to movable jaws).

2. Only the following heads can be upgraded to movable jaws:

  • S1
  • S17
  • S18
  • S20
  • S26
  • S29
  • S37
  • S40

Robotic Devices

Soft Silicone Body


Soft Silicone vs Normal SIlicone Body

Silicone Body: Breasts Types

TPE Body: Gel Breasts

Other Gel Options (Silicone Bodies Only)

Gel Booty & Softer Gel Booty

Both Gel and Softer Gel Booty are only available for silicone bodies except for the 161cm body.

Gel Booty: Softer than a normal booty. Please DON'T select "Soft Silicone" as the body material if you want a Gel Booty.

Softer Gel Booty: Softest booty you can get. Please DO select "Soft Silicone" as the body material if you want a Softer Gel Booty.

Please be aware that the Softer Gel Booty is a bit fragile. Both Wonder Doll and Irontech can't provide any after-sale service if it got damaged.

Gel Belly

Only available for silicone pregnant bodies.

Please select "Soft Silicone" as the body material if you want a Gel Belly.

Please be aware that the Gel Belly is a bit fragile. Both Wonder Doll and Irontech can't provide any after-sale service if it got damaged.

How to Repair a Doll

Video Guide

Other Videos

Vagina Texture (TPE & Silicone)